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Where Most Security Solutions Fall Short
While most businesses protect their systems and data against external threats like malware, many overlook the biggest cause of data breaches: internal risks. Internal vulnerabilities are responsible for 70% of all data breaches in small and medium sized businesses (SMBs). INTERNAL THREAT SOURCES If
7 Steps to Winterize Your Computers and Your Office
Yes, I'm sorry, winter is near... Or, yes, I'm so excited, winter is here! Regardless of your view, the winter season's weather brings its own unique challenges. Freezing weather along with ice storms and snow storms can cause a variety of problems including power outages, snow days, and more.
How to Protect Your Privacy From Your Internet Service Provider
President Trump recently signed S.J.Res. 34 which nullifies the Federal Communications Commission’s rule on privacy of customers of broadband and other telecommunications services. Your internet service provider (ISP) is now legally allowed to use and analyze your personal and bus
Is Your IT Millennial-Friendly?
This post is not a rant about millennials. It's simply a reality check. All your employees under 35 years of age are considered Millennials. Nationally, more than 30% of American workers are Millennials and that will grow to 75% by 2025. The Millennial generation is a demographic term applied to i
Protect Yourself from Ransomware
What is Ransomware Ransomware is a specific type of computer malware typically in the form of a virus or trojan. When a computer is infected with ransomware, it blocks access to your data by encrypting it. Hackers then request a ransom and may threaten to publish or delete your data unless paid
4 Reasons Every Small Business Needs a Virtual Chief Information Officer [vCIO]
About the vCIO The intention of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) role and responsibilities is to help you align technology with your organization's vision, mission, culture, strategy, and goals. We use the term virtual as a placeholder for part-time, as-needed, and on-demand. You receive all t
IT Security Jargon – Part 1
Introduction IT security is a deep and wide subject. It's complex. Threats abound. The scope is sometimes frightening and often misunderstood. It's easy to tune out that which you don't understand and that makes you even more vulnerable. Education is the first step towards peace of mind.
Backup your Cloud Data Now!
Best Practice In 1982, when I was selling IBM PC computers, I talked with clients about the importance of backing up the files stored on their floppy disk by copying them to another floppy disk and maybe even another disk and then storing them in another physical location. After all, who wants