SleepWell Aware Security Awareness Training

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SleepWell Aware Security Awareness Training

SleepWell Aware Security Awareness Training

Learn how Tobin’s SleepWell Aware can help protect and keep your organization secure.

Are you here because you’ve been phished?
Are you here for a security solution?

The Benefits of Security Awareness Training

Cyber security awareness training is a vital component of any business’s security strategy. It’s a recommended best practice. By educating employees on proper online safety practices, businesses can protect sensitive information and prevent security breaches caused by end user mistakes.

SleepWell™, a registered trademark of Tobin Solutions, represents our comprehensive range of managed security solutions. The selection, development, and management of our SleepWell managed security services are carried out by Team Tobin, guided by our mission and values. This unique blend elevates SleepWell beyond a typical technology solution, adding significant value and peace of mind. 

Tobin’s SleepWell Aware security awareness training can greatly benefit small businesses in the following ways: 

  1. Protect Sensitive Information: Small businesses handle a significant amount of sensitive information, such as financial records, customer data, and confidential business strategies. Cybersecurity awareness training can help small businesses protect this sensitive information by teaching employees how to identify cyber threats. 
  1. Increase Security Awareness: Cybersecurity awareness training helps employees identify potential cyber threats such as phishing scams, ransomware, malware, and social engineering attacks. This increased awareness can prevent employees from accidentally downloading malware or sharing sensitive information with unauthorized parties. 
  1. Reduce Risks and Costs: A data breach can be costly and time-consuming to recover from, especially for small businesses. Cybersecurity awareness training for small businesses can help prevent data breaches and reduce costs associated with such incidents. 
  1. Boost Employee Productivity: When employees are trained to identify and prevent cyber threats, they spend less time dealing with security incidents. Instead, they can focus on their primary responsibilities, leading to a more productive workplace. 
  1. Maintain Customer Trust: Small businesses rely heavily on customer trust to maintain their reputation and grow their business. Cybersecurity awareness training can help maintain this trust by ensuring that customer data is handled securely. 

How Tobin works with you to train your users:

  1. A member of Team Tobin meets with you regularly to track your progress and customize your training.  We utilize enterprise-strength reporting, showing stats and graphs for both training and phishing, ready for management. 
  2. Tobin has access to one of the world’s largest libraries of security awareness training content, including interactive modules, videos, games, posters and newsletters. We utilize automated training campaigns and create regularly scheduled reminder emails. 
  3. We use a best-in-class, fully automated simulated phishing attacks, thousands of templates with unlimited usage, and community phishing templates at many different phishing education levels so the training can increase with your end users increase in knowledge. 

Security is a process, not a product.  Even with the best protective technologies in place, threats such as phishing emails still get through.  It’s up to your team to make a critical decision in the moment.  Regular security awareness training is a best practice and improves your security posture.