SleepWell Detective Managed Detection and Response

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SleepWell Detective Managed Detection and Response

SleepWell Detective Managed Detection and Response

SleepWell™, a registered trademark of Tobin Solutions, representsour comprehensive range of managed security solutions. The selection, development, and management of our SleepWell managed security services are carried out by Team Tobin, guided by our mission and values. This unique blend elevates SleepWell beyond a typical technology solution, adding significant value and peace of mind. 


That’s why we already have you covered with traditional security safeguards like firewalls, anti-virus, and anti-malware. While necessary, these platforms target only a portion of your cyber security defense by protecting the perimeter of your network from external threats. But did you know most experts find that 70% of all breaches and threats originate inside the network, leaving you vulnerable where you might least expect!

Unfortunately, these threats to your business occur far more often than you might think through unintentional and unauthorized user access to computers, data, and programs on your network.

With the increasing incidence of data breaches, it is clear that conventional malware-focused security infrastructure is inadequate. Left unresolved, the cost to your business could be disastrous in terms of downtime, appropriation of Intellectual Property (IP), theft of confidential information, hardware loss, reputation damage, and worse!

Now you can protect your organization from misconfiguration, alteration, or destruction of these valuable business resources.

In Verizon’s Annual Report, Verizon cited insider threats as a “persistent problem” with 55 % of incidents tied to employees abusing their system access.

At Tobin Solutions Inc. we recognize the need to defend our clients from both external and internal threats. To protect you better, we have added a new cyber security service to our SleepWell security portfolio designed to uncover security threats occurring inside of your network. Behind this advanced service is an innovative cyber security solution that works 24/7 using proprietary pattern recognition and mathematical modeling to identify anomalous user behavior, suspicious network changes, and threats caused by internal vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.

Once deployed, SleepWell Detective automatically scans your network searching for internal threats that occur behind the firewall. When it detects a potential security breach, it will alert with an email.  If you want us to act on that alert, you click the investigate button and we’ll take it from there – it’s that simple!

With the SleepWell Detective managed detection and response solution, here are some examples of what’s caught:

  • Unusual after hours log-ins
  • Expose unauthorized logins or attempts to restricted computers
  • Identify a new user profile suddenly added to the business owner’s computer
  • User granted inappropriate admin credentials
  • Find an application just installed on a locked down system
  • Get alerted to unauthorized wireless connections to the network
  • Find sensitive Personal Identifiable Information (PII) stored on machines where it doesn’t belong
  • Detect breaches that get by the firewall and anti-virus
  • Expose hacker footholds in your network
  • Dark web exposure

These are just a few of hundreds of risky events occurring inside of your network that we can guard against with Tobin SleepWell Detective on guard.  You get actionable intelligence that protects your office environment by alerting us to changes or threats, proactively giving us critical time to act and working with you to create an action plan to mitigate the threat.

Threats and vulnerabilities exist for every business network around the world. With our totally managed internal cyber security detection and response managed service, you can have peace of mind knowing that your business is not only protected from external threats like viruses and malware, but also from far more prevalent internal cyber risks as well.

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Founded in 1996, Tobin Solutions Inc. is a full-service managed security provider based in Wauwatosa, WI. Our mission is to proactively identify and eliminate internal and external security threats, thereby giving our customers the peace of mind to focus on building a more profitable future.