How to Protect Your Privacy From Your Internet Service Provider

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How to Protect Your Privacy From Your Internet Service Provider

How to Protect Your Privacy From Your Internet Service Provider

Jeremy Cherny Blog

President Trump recently signed S.J.Res. 34 which nullifies the Federal Communications Commission’s rule on privacy of customers of broadband and other telecommunications services.

Your internet service provider (ISP) is now legally allowed to use and analyze your personal and business data for its own purposes.  Here are some creepy examples of things they might do.

You might say to yourself that companies like Facebook and Google are already doing this but that’s the agreement you’ve made in exchange for voluntarily using their “free” services.

ISPs are already collecting fees to provide a service.  You might be in a contract.  You might have limited options for providers based on your geographic location.  You still have choice (like going off the grid) but that isn’t feasible for most businesses and individuals.

There are some ways to protect your privacy from your internet service provider and other considerations.

The battle for privacy wages on.
