Customer Testimonials

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Customer Testimonials

Here’s what our customers are saying about us!

“Thanks for coming into town to present to us about cybersecurity today. The content was great and many on my team commented on how it opened their eyes to the threats out there. Your personal experience with clients who have been victims definitely makes the stories you tell more “real.” And you have such a confident, yet relaxed speaking style, it’s easy to listen to even the scary stories.”

“Tobin is always available to answer questions and help with any issues you may have.  Our systems went down recently and they worked around the clock to get it back working properly.  They bring value and I recommend working with them.”

“I am the owner of a small business and found my computer systems were operating slow and required a lot of updates, reboots, etc.  Since I met Jeremy Cherny and his team at Tobin Solutions several years ago, my computers have been operating at a much higher level of efficiency.  The staff provides updates and monitoring remotely, and works ‘in the background’ which saves me time and headaches.  Everyone is knowledgeable and friendly, and even though I am a small business, I still feel like they appreciate me and take care of my needs.

“Thank you for helping make our office move seamless and easy. We felt like we were in good hands the whole way through. Big shout out to the tech for being our support along the way!”

“I can always count on the tech to help quickly and answer my questions. Sometimes I have to ask the same question again or need him to explain it in a different way before I understand and he never gets frustrated or irritated with me. That high level of service is very hard to duplicate and we value it very much.”

“The techs are always pleasant, knowledgeable and quick to get to the problem without putting me through a lot of “have you rebooted” questions which I always appreciate!”

“Tobin Solutions has always done a professional job with any requests that I have made through the years that I have been working with the company. I want to give high kudos to the tech who has always been responsive to my website requests / needs.”

“The tech is great at what he does, and I appreciate his efforts. I’ve always known him to be patient and knowledgeable in all of the troubleshooting issues he’s solved for me. Frankly, I’ve enjoyed working with all of the Tobin folks, and Jeremy should be proud of the well-oiled machine he is helming. Kudos!”

“The support staff at Tobin always has a solution for our issues and I learn from it. That said, a sense of humor about the whole thing makes the experience more tolerable. Thank goodness the tech can make us laugh!”

“Great communication and great response. I felt confident having Tobin employees keeping an eye on things.”

“Your team never makes our team feel incompetent or look foolish. We appreciate that as well as your quick response to our issues that inevitably come at inconvenient times.”