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Smaller firms less likely to keep up to date on the basics that protect them
On the never ending problem of cyber security, small firms often do not have any/much in-house IT support. As a consequence, they may be less likely to be able to make sure their software is consistently updated to reflect any patches released by the product’s maker. This simple oversight, delib
Cyberattacks and the vulnerability of the small business
You cannot go a day without reading about some big name company or even government agency being hacked and critical data being compromised. What you don’t see in the media is that most of the attacks happen to small firms, and that this is where a lot of the cybercrime is occurring. What any bu
Denial is not a solution: Something you owe your customers and your employees
Why do so many people procrastinate about making a will? Why is it so hard to get young people to buy health insurance? Because it is one of those “probably won’t happen--at least in the foreseeable future, and I‘ve got more interesting things to worry about or spend my money on” issues.
Limited investment capital and planning for trouble
Small businesses often fail to take the time to make business continuity plans. One aspect of a business continuity plan involves developing plans to handle the loss of physical infrastructure and hardware. Unfortunately, smaller and younger firms often fail to address these issues because they la
Data Protection Laws and PIIs
Last week we discussed the overall concept of “Data Protection Laws,” which govern the handling and securing of specific data. While these laws are wide ranging, most of these laws reference Personally Identifiable Information (PII) This “refers to information that can be used to distinguish
Are you subject to Data Protection laws?
This blog introduces a new topic that many may be unaware of: Data Protection laws. These are laws that define fully, or in part, what type of data is covered by government regulations, proscribe general standards for the securing of covered data, and may also require notification of victims and g
Ransomware Part II
In our last blog, we explained what ransomware is, and why it can be an especially troublesome virus. Today, let’s look at what you can do to avoid falling victim. Prevention is the best cure. Follow standard “data hygiene” principles that you probably hear about all of the time. Update you
AI Today
When someone mentions Artificial Intelligence (AI) many things come to mind. Some may think of video games, factories, entertainment like YouTube, Pandora, Netflix, the list goes on and on. Going back 39 years AI was The Terminator and Skynet and everyone thought that creating thinking and learning